A Bit About Me

I was raised under the watchful eyes of our strong Savannah community. After graduating from the all-girls Catholic high school, I went on to graduate from Georgia Southern University. For the next 25 years, I was the VP for a fast and growing company...my family of nine.
A few years ago, I picked up a pen and began writing in a marble back composition book that belonged to one of my children. It was like magic. I had always enjoyed storytelling, but it wasn't until that moment that I realized that I was being called to write those stories down.
My husband and I live near a river, on the outskirts of Savannah, with warm breezes, quick sunsets, and a slew of children that keep life rolling quicker than the outgoing tide. You might spot me sitting on the back porch scribbling away with a cup of coffee within my reach. But more than likely, you will locate me in the laundry room, folding away while plotting stories in my mind.
I love Savannah. Its quirkiness and uniqueness always lend a story to be told. I am blessed to write about fictitious characters living in our fair city and share my books with a large, welcoming audience.
Thank you for giving me the privilege to entertain you...if only for a little while.