Have you ever wanted to try something new, but putting yourself out there was too intimidating? Maybe you were burned by a failed attempt, like kickboxing or riding the mechanical bull. FYI, both turned out poorly. Still, you’re standing at that crossroads, wondering if you should jump once again. This time, mine was putting my book on audio.
I’ve been asked by all of you carpooling and exercising enthusiasts when I’m getting my books on audio. Hey, I understand. I’m a big audible junkie, too. But I was intimidated by the process. I knew I would need to choose a narrator and work with a new company, and it was much easier not to try. Images of falling, boots over head, replayed vividly in my mind. Nevertheless, I put on my big-girl overalls, decided to educate myself on the process, and then jumped right in.
I never imagined how hearing my book would affect me. The first time I listened to the finished novel, I cried. These made-up characters were now alive; they had a voice and were even sassy. It changed everything. The actress who narrated captured the characteristics of each lady in the tribe and vocalized them all differently. She played the Irish characters perfectly and even sang the “Come on Eileen” song.
This has been the most amazing experience and has once again taught me that when we step out of our comfort zone, we can accomplish really cool things and make others happy, too. It also made me realize that although the whole mechanical bull ride was a horrifying experience for me, look how happy it made all the spectators around the ring.
I’m happy to share that The Blessing of the Celtic Curse is now available on Audible, iTunes and Amazon. If you’re looking for a wee bit of Ireland to get you ready for Saint Patrick’s Day, this is it. I can’t wait for you to hear it.